Wednesday, July 3, 2013

~~Change of Seasons~~

Hello everyone, so I am back to the blog after a long long long gap. I was too busy in the last semester, so no time for writing. Reasonable excuse :) (grin)... Needless to say, summer fun has already begun. 6 months of winter is a long enough time to make you look like a crazy person during summer time, where you want to enjoy each and everything from picnic, hiking, pools, parks, vacations, water fun, adventures, outings, long drives, fun in sun etc etc.

Here is a little peek from my vacation: 
I was off for a week long vacation in California. Well California is a sunshine state so I guess, no better place to get the feel of summer. Luckily, it was not too hot there, rather very pleasant. The trip was fun in the sense, that it was not just sight seeing in San Diego, LA and SFO rather met a couple of old friends, which is always great, ate some nice food, roamed around a lot, caught into SFO traffic :D hiked in Yosemite. I met my old friend AD in SFO after almost 3 years, and no doubt it was fun. AD gave a tour of SFO with all the history about places and introduced me to mini doughnuts and Laline :)
I love my friends and thanks to God for giving me such wonderful people around.

Back to topic: (might be a lil boring :P but please read)
West coast has the constant weather all around the year, one of the reasons why so many companies have their business headquarters there. Its sunshine all the time. Some find the sun a little harsh though. However, I feel it must be lil boring for people since there is no major change of seasons they could see in their everyday lives. Of course good part of that thing is that its fun all year around, not to worry about wrapping yourself in 4-5 layers before going out. My end of story is that, I like the change of weather, something I can feel it and see it....(contd)

(Off the topic: I love nature and is always amazed with its power, I feel sometimes lost into it if I am in such surroundings like a big waterfall, tall trees, sound of river, lush green grass, plants, mountains, sunrise, sunsets and the list is endless)

...the fall could be seen on the trees with changing colors between orange, red, brown, yellow and then shedding off. The winter comes with snow and of course the chill. I love the first snow and the first morning where I wake up and see outside my window and its all white(so pure) with snow flakes twirling and dancing. I literally go mad, just running outside with my camera and clicking every nook and corner. After a month, it becomes monotonous though. Its not my fault, thats the human nature, tends to get bored very easily :) .Well... Spring breaks that monotonicity and blossoms starts, tulip season begins, and suddenly trees are colored into white, purple, pink and red. The chill is little weighed down and thats when you know summer is impending. Then..crazy summer starts,  you can see the change with kids in the parks, people running/walking/jogging on the sidewalks, pools are open, days are long (very long) and less time for being lazy. Also, I meet people more often compared to winters. In other words, I am socially more active during summers :) hehe.

Furthermore, there is a long list of things-to-do for summers, already started striking off things from it, writing is one of those. Days are flying. In two months, Fall session starts until then its fun in sun time!!

Thanks for reading.


Photo: Nevada Falls, CA


  1. sounds like a great holiday. it was nice to constantly hear your voice in the museum in joburg - am back now. will hopefully have some video to show you soon!

  2. Minor correction.. Sunshine State is Florida.. not California.. :) California is "The Golden State"

    Keep writing.. let us plan for a trip sometime towards the end of the year. We can meet up in some place where none of us have been and can explore there... You pick the place and time and I will be there (except Christmas weekend, where some of my insti guys are planning to visit the Big Apple :) )
