Thursday, November 1, 2012

~~ Finally its here .. My first blog post !! ~~

The thought of having my own blog was in my mind for many years. I couldn't start, and always had the excuse of not finding time to do so. I even discussed with couple of my very close friends, on how to start with, since at times I am flooded with thoughts. I love reading blogs, its a very nice medium to know some other person's ideas and thoughts. Well, some of them are strangers and some are friends and family, but its fun. And yeah, not every blog is intriguing. I am not sure how intriguing my blog would be, but I just want to be myself and not a robot who excels in its writing skills. No offenses to anyone but I am not that serious kind in these matters. Its for fun.

Coming back to myself. I am a Graduate student. Like everyone, I too love doing few things for fun and that includes cooking, travelling, talking, shopping and eating :).. yeah these are just few things, considering I am a girl. I may be fuzzy at times, but my near and dear ones know that its momentarily. Thanks to them for being around even in such times. Love them for that.

I am not sure, how regular I would be here, but I will try my best. This is the inception. I would appreciate, if you leave your comments. I might need motivation to keep working on it.

Thanks for reading.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Can't wait to see more of it! Some suggestions for your new post... Big Boss 6, Pani Puri 101, Being Panther(ess), engineer in an art studio, nature and the sunset :-)

    2. Thanks for wonderful suggestions :) but FYI, I dont follow BB Season 6 religiously anymore. I will think about other topics though :P :P

  2. nice write-up, Neetu. Crisp and straight from heart. Looking forward for more. :-)

    1. thnks Richa.. atleast my blog has a follower now :)

  3. Nice one :) Will be waiting for new posts :)

  4. Very nice Neetu...
    keep it up..
    waiting for next :-)
