Tuesday, November 26, 2013

~~ Being Thankful ~~

Its 12am in the night, I was scrolling through my hundreds of unread emails with plethora of deals for this week. I gave a thought and after selecting the unread emails and moving them to trash, suddenly I felt like writing something. Yeah, doesn't seem like a regular day. As Thanksgiving is approaching here in US, people are gearing up for the festival. While many natives here are getting ready for this festive occasion, cooking turkey and having some great time with family and friends; many are busy making shopping list to strike off on black friday. Yes, its that time of the year. I am no exception, as always, I also have a list. I mean, I anyways have a shopping list always ready the entire year, but this is THE occasion. hehe .. jokes apart .. (actually that is true also).. anyways....
Thanksgiving isn't a festival I celebrated ever since I was a kid. I grew up in India, celebrating Holi, Diwali, Dusshera and many more with great excitement. I think festivals are meant to give us a break from our monotonous life and have some great time with our near and dear ones.So yeah, .. after knowing about so many festivals people celebrate, Thanksgiving is one, I really liked. I liked the idea of it. I am not sure about how it came into existence and if it is related to particular religion or not. May be I can ask Google :). I just wanted to pour some thoughts, just like that.
In this demanding life, everybody is busy in their own world. We are so occupied with our daily lives to achieve something in life and may be that's the reason, we do not find enough time to look around and show our gratitude. I think it makes sense to have a day especially meant for it. A day for being thankful to God, thankful to parents, thankful to family, friends, teachers and even thankful to enemies.
On this thanksgiving, I want to say that I am grateful to few ( read 'many') things in my life.
I am thankful to God and for the synergy that we have, it keeps me going.
Thanks to my parents  for the life that they gave me, supporting me all the time and for raising me like this.
To my two beautiful and wonderful sisters, who always backed me up and encouraged me all the time.
Love and thanks to my cute little nephews and nieces, who make me feel loved, every time I talk to them in their kiddy accent.
To the people in my extended family, who influenced me in one way or the other.
Not to say, being thankful to my wonderful friends. I want to say it to all of them that I am so happy to have you in my life. I am glad that our paths crossed at some point of time. I hope our paths cross again soon :)
... ( Gosh .. I am getting carried away .. I am not sure that I am/was a good friend but I tried anyways.)
Okay.. I also want to say thank you to my teachers ( I do not say this usually but I really am... ) I am thankful to all the inspiring teachers who taught me so many lessons from high school to grad school, some from the books and some from life.
And last but not the least, I am thankful to the love of my life. Thanks for being there for me. You are the person I can always look upto :)

Its good to make a point to thank people around us. If somebody says thank you to me, I feel really really good. I feel that I was able to do something for them. Also, it inspires me to do some more good things in life. In a similar manner, if we say thank you to others it will definitely make them feel good about themselves. So, people.... go on .. and be grateful, say THANK YOU, it wont hurt at all .. i can guarantee ~ Happy Thanksgiving~
Oh, btw how can i forget, thanks to the readers too :)
